The Oxygen Digital.Com

Close up shot of video graphic editor using specialized software to edit movie footage

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Hello! We are a team of passionate digital marketing professionals, ready to bring your ideas to life and put your business in the spotlight. With over 5,000 hours dedicated to creating and publishing digital content, we understand how important it is to have an authentic and impactful online presence. Let's work together to help you stand out!

What does this mean for us?

We love combining creativity and technology to create solutions that truly work. From engaging videos and social media management to copywriting that resonates with your audience — we’re here to help. Need video editing, video repurposing, or a helping hand with the daily organization of your online accounts? We’ve got you covered!

why should you choose us?

Because we don’t believe in templates! Every project is unique, and we make sure it reflects the personality of your business. We build social media campaigns that speak your audience’s language and create multimedia content that grabs attention.

Our goal? To deliver real, measurable results — and put a smile on your face!

We are more than just an agency, we are the partners who live and breathe the success of your business. Let’s take the first step together toward your digital future!

Male videographer editing video montage
Robert Eisler
Robert Eisler
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A great collaboration, very quick and easy, responsive to feedback and overall a wonderful team!( O colaborare excelentă, foarte rapidă și ușoară, receptivă la feedback și în general, o echipă minunată!)
Horia B
Horia B
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Very pleased with the collaboration! I can say that I am satisfied with the quality of the video editing, the promptness and the budget. It all started with a very vague idea, but with professional advice it quickly took shape and later, it materialized in a finality that I am very satisfied with. In conclusion, I recommend!( Foarte multumit de colaborare! Pot spune ca sunt multumit de calitatea editarii video, de promptitudine si de incadrarea in buget. Totul a pornit cu o idee foarte vagă, dar care cu o consiliere profesională a prins repede contur si mai apoi, s-a concretizat intr-o finalitate de care sunt foarte multumit. In concluzie, recomand!)
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I loved the way he communicates quickly, delivered on time, always talked to me to make sure the quality was good and provided me with great help! I enjoyed working with you a lot and do highly recommend you to anyone who needs help with their videos! (Mi-a plăcut modul în care a comunicat rapid, a livrat la timp, a vorbit întotdeauna cu mine pentru a se asigura că sunt multumit de calitatea produsului final și mi-a oferit un mare ajutor! Mi-a făcut plăcere să lucrez cu tine și te recomand tuturor celor care au nevoie de ajutor cu videoclipurile lor! )
Brian Bibi
Brian Bibi
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Sergiu is great to work with. On his VA(virtual assistent) tasks, with little direction, we we got a ton of work done and the business is all the better for it. Also his patience is top-notch. Kudos! Well done sir.(Este minunat să lucrezi cu Sergiu. În sarcinile sale de VA(assistent virtual), cu puțină direcție, am avut o mulțime de muncă și afacerea este cu atât mai bună pentru asta. De asemenea, răbdarea lui este de top. Apreciere! Bravo domnule.)
Neva Sport
Neva Sport
@Neva Sport
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He added the perfect background sounds for our video. (A adaugat sunetele de fundal perfect pentru videoclipul nostru.)
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Swift delivery! Will return soon!(Livrare rapida! Voi comanda din nou în curând!)
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Same-day delivery and easy communication.(Livrare în aceeași zi și comunicare ușoară.)
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He is one of the best video editor I've ever encountered. While editing videos, he can unleash a wealth of astonishing creativity. Every frame, every second of work showcases exceptional industry skills and meticulous attention to detail. Whether it's editing, color correction, special effects, or audio processing, this editor excels in all aspects. His work is not only technically impeccable but also creatively ingenious. He has the ability to infuse profound emotions into every frame, immersing the audience in the story.
Henry Springer
Henry Springer
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Seller was great and use it’s on creativity to bring footage to life. (Vânzătorul a fost incredibil și s-a folosit de creativitatea sa pentru a aduce materialul la viață. )
Marie Mcfarlene
Marie Mcfarlene
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This seller communicates very well, delivered extremely fast and understood exactly what I was trying to accomplish. I will definitely buy from him again. Great job 👏 (Acest vânzător comunică foarte bine, a livrat extrem de rapid și a înțeles exact ce încercam să realizez. Cu siguranta voi mai cumpara de la el. Buna treabă 👏)
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The team is a good communicator and worked with me on understanding exactly what was needed to finish this production. He delivered on time with professional quality. Would surely hire again!(Echipa este un foarte buna pe comunicare și au lucrat cu mine pentru a înțelege exact ce era necesar pentru a finaliza această producție. A livrat la timp cu calitate profesională. Cu siguranță o sa lucram din nou!)
Jeffrey Hanlon
Jeffrey Hanlon
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Great work and very fast delivery (Munceste bine si livreaza foarte repede.)
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Highly Recommend. Will be using again in the future (Il recomand cu drag. Voi apela la el din nou în viitor!)
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W mans, good service(Un tip grozav, un serviciu bun)
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He was very professional. He is creative and proposes ideas himself. Also communicating with him was easy and he did the job within the agreed deadline Really good job! Innovative, quality, perfect communication! Highly recommended!!! (A fost foarte profesionist. Este creativ și propune el însuși idei. De asemenea, comunicarea cu el a fost ușoară și-a făcut treaba în termenul convenit. O treabă foarte bună! Inovativ, de calitate, comunicare perfectă! Recomand cu mare drag!!!)
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Est une personne incroyablement rapide, disponible et soucieuse de la satisfaction de son client! Pour une première expérience Fiverr, je recommande les yeux fermés! Merci, c’est parfait! (Este incredibil de rapid, disponibil și preocupat de satisfacția clientului! Pentru prima mea experiență cu Fiverr, l-aș recomanda cu ochii închiși! Mulțumesc, este perfect!)
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Very professional and went above and beyond. I will definitely work with again. (Foarte profesionist și-a dat toata silinta si mai mult de atat. Voi lucra cu siguranță cu ei din nou.)
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Omg!!!!! I am so pleased! Thank you so much!!(Oh doamne!!!!! Sunt atât de mulțumită! Vă mulțumesc foarte mult!!!)
Lee Olson
Lee Olson
@Lee Olson
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Always good work. Exceptionally hard worker. Very satisfied. Thank You(Intotdeauna o treabă bună. Muncitor excepțional de harnic. Foarte mulțumit. Vă mulțumesc!)
Joey Young
Joey Young
@Joey Young
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The seller was great! Even gave me a few options and was really responsive. I'd highly recommend!(Vânzătorul a fost grozav! Chiar mi-a dat câteva opțiuni și a fost foarte receptiv. Il recomanda foarte mult!)
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Made videos look nice. A great person to work with (A făcut ca videoclipurile să arate bine. O persoană minunată cu care să lucrezi)
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The team worked hard with us to understand this project to ensure that the tone and impact matched our needs. A highly professional job with a quick turnaround with top quality, Would hire again! (Echipa a lucrat din greu cu noi pentru a înțelege acest proiect pentru a ne asigura că tonul și impactul se potrivesc nevoilor noastre. O livrare extrem de profesionista, cu o schimbare rapidă și de calitate superioară, aș lucra din nou cu ei! )
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Really excellent service and very professional and kind!!! Thank you so much! He delivered with lightning speed(Într-adevăr un serviciu excelent și foarte profesionist și amabil!!!! Vă mulțumesc foarte mult! A livrat cu viteza fulgerului.)
Jeffrey Hanlon
Jeffrey Hanlon
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Good work done. (A facut treaba buna.)

Social Media Scheduling

I worked with Brighita on the social media programming side. She had to post for the 3 accounts of our company 2 times a day per platform and she did an excellent job. Every time we had an error or we fell behind, she warned us not to lose the reach of our page. I will recommend her anytime. paginii. Oricand pot o recomand cu mare drag!


Animated Subtitle

Hello, I worked with the team and I was super pleased with how they worked. Super fast and with attention to details

Andrei Darnescu